I have started scrapping our adventures. Between the two of us, we came back with almost 500 photos. It has been really difficult to winnow them down to a reasonable number, and then select even fewer for inclusion in the scrapbook. Here are the pages from Ketchikan, our first port of call. Just imagine these pages side by side, left and right.
The first set is our arrival and docking in Ketchikan. It was about 7:00 in the morning of May 24.
Dave and I , along with Kevin and Barbara, took a trolley tour up the coast to seek out wildlife. We saw dozens of eagles, a salmon hatchery, and harbor seals.
Our next stop was at Saxman Village where there is a large collection of totems. They are amazing. One of the totems was a shame pole of Abraham Lincoln. There are several interpretations about why the Tinglit people decided Lincoln needed to be shamed, but the painting of his lips on the pole indicates that they felt he had misspoken about something.
Creek Street is a boardwalk of shops, museums and residences. During the gold rush days, it was the red-light district of Ketchikan.
One of the most famous of the "sporting women" in Ketchikan was Dolly Arthur. Her house has been preserved much as she left it upon her death in the 1970s. She is said to have conducted her last business transaction at the age of 72.
There is a funicular up the steep mountainside along Creek Street. At the top is a wonderful lodge and restaurant with a spectacular view.
My baby brother turn O.L.D. on May 24 too. We all made sure he wouldn't forget his birthday with a pirate theme.
I am currently working on Tracy Arm Fjord and the Sawyer Glacier. I will post them as soon as completed. That's where a lot of our photos were taken. Alaska is so beautiful and we saw just such a small part of it.
Until next time,